Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Water Dogs

My work is right next to a section of the Deschutes River so on nice days I like to spend my break outside.  I get to watch all the people floating down the river, and envy them a little bit because I haven’t gotten a chance to do so yet.

The other day I was enjoying my Strictly Organic vanilla chai (one of the best I’ve ever had) while walking the path along the river and watching everyone on the river pass by.  Suddenly I spotted a stand-up paddle boarder coming up river.

Paddleboarding Dog

I quickly pulled out my cell-phone to get a shot.  I love that she took her dog along with her.  Though I’m not sure if the dog loved it quite as much, it looked a little unsure about this hobby.  Doubt Dixie would join me when I go paddle boarding.  Haha!

Three days later I spotted a group of people and one dog lounging on a large raft going down river.  I didn’t realize that so many dogs here enjoy water sports!  Don’t have a photo of that one because I wasn’t as quick with the phone.  I’ve got to start taking my real camera on my break with me!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crooked Dealings

Not too long ago my dad, uncle and I took a quick drive to Crooked River to check out the steel arch bridge there that was build in 1911.  Ok, so you’re thinking what’s so cool about a hundred year old bridge.  Well 1) it’s 100 years old and still in use and 2) there is a lot of air between the bridge and the river below.  Check it:


Could you even imagine working on building that?!  No fear of heights allowed!


And here’s a view of Crooked River, aptly named don’t you think?


The bridge above was constructed for trains and is still used.  There is also a bridge for the highway, and the old bridge for the highway.  Here’s a shot of the two of them, followed by the old highway bridge which can now be walked across.  The closer bridge is the old one, the farther one is the new one.



Hello narrow bridge!!!  I think I’d stop breathing if I was driving across this at the same time a semi was coming across towards me.  How can a truck and car fit!?  And let’s not even go into those crazies that would bike (as in bicycle) across this thing.  (Not that I have anything against those that chose to bike, but I fear for them sometimes because cars don’t always pay as close attention to them as they should.)  The new bridge is much wider.  Oh, and check out those awesome clouds!  That’s without playing with the image!


Monday, August 1, 2011

I’ve Changed My Name

Because my blog was named “Adventures of This College Girl” and I’ve since graduated, I felt that I ought to change my blog name to be a bit more accurate.  And the description of me blogging about my experiences transferring from community college to university is now also inaccurate.  So, I’ve changed my blog name slightly and updated the description.  And hopefully I’ll get around to posting more often.  Or even remembering that I should be posting.  I’m planning a few local outings to better acquaint myself with my new city so hopefully I’ll have some fun stories or good photos to share.


Hello From Oregon and an Oregonian!

I am officially an Oregonian!  I have ditched my California ties, and have moved north to the land of the Pacific Northwest, Mount Hood, Crater Lake, and The Goonies.  Sure I could have mentioned something obvious like rain, or the end of the Oregon Trail, but that’s boring.  Though I was checking out the official state symbols out of curiosity.  Check it:

  • Animal: Beaver (and if I get into OSU I shall be a state animal)
  • Beverage: Milk (hey, it does a body good)
  • Bird: Western Medowlark (hark! a lark!)
  • Dance: Square Dance (good thing I learned how to promenade and do-si-do in 3rd grade)
  • Flower: Oregon grape (guess it’d be rude not to pick the flower with the state name in it)
  • Insect: Oregon Swallowtail (flutter-by!)
  • Motto: Alis Volat Propriis “She Flies With Her Own Wings” (pretty, I like it)
  • Rock: Thunderegg (do you think when it hatches it produces Thundercats?)

I’ve already gotten my Oregon driver’s license and let me tell you that it has far fewer security features than California’s.  And I’m not even talking about California’s super new license design which must take for-ev-er to make.  Here, I took the test on Wednesday the 20th (only missed three questions, which I feel were dumb questions to ask me anyways) and received my license on Monday the 25th.  What, did it take like 4 hours to make?  You know most of that wait time was for it to go through the mail.  I’m just happy that my license photo is actually up to date.  I was 15 in my CA one!!  When being ID’d they’d ask me if that was me, not so effective.

Now all I need to do is get my car switched over to being an Oregon resident…and you know I’m going to get the special plates that make a donation to Crater Lake.
