Friday, September 30, 2011

Get To Know Me ABC’s

I saw this over on and thought that I’d do this too.  It’s the “Get to Know Me ABC’s”.

Age: 26
Bed size: Full
Chore you hate: Cleaning the bathroom.
Dogs: We had a goof-ball rescue named Shasta.  For a long time we thought she was a mutt but then we thought she might have been a flat-coated retriever who’d had her tail docked.  Either way, she was fantastic.

Essential start of your day: An extra hit of the snooze button!  Haha.  That and morning purrs and snuggles with Dixie.
Favorite color: Recently it’s becoming purple but I always love a good green.
Gold or silver: Silver because I think that it looks better with my skin.  But white gold is a good pick too.
Height: 5'8"
Instruments I play (or have played): Besides the recorder which everyone learns in elementary school I’ve played the saxophone.  Haven’t played for a long time though and I had to pick between band and art at one point in school so I chose art.
Job title: I am a sales associate.
Kids: Nope.  My child is four legged and has a tail. haha
Live: In Oregon!
Mom's name: Mary Jane
Nickname: Kimmers, Kimbers, Kimmer, Kimber, Cajun Ninja.  The last one I was recently honored with at work.  It was just Cajun to start and then Ninja was added.
Overnight hospital stays: When I was born, you know the norm.
Pet peeve: Rude people, and especially when they are knowingly rude.
Quote from a movie: Tough one, anything from The Princess Bride is always good, and from Young Frankenstein.  Most of my favorite quotes are from Psych, but since it’s a television show it doesn’t count for this.

Right or left handed: Right
Siblings: One younger sister.
Time you wake up: I’m a night owl, like to sleep, and am one of those people who need more sleep.  So generally around 10 am if I’ve been insomnia free.  But I am often woken up earlier than that by Dixie wanting some pets.
Underwear: Not sure what it’s asking here…yes?  Cute?  I own some?  :)
Vegetables you dislike: Aspara-gross.
What makes you run late: Pressing the snooze button that extra time.  Or just forgetting something on my way out the door.  Or getting stuck waiting for a train  (that’s happened to me twice since I’ve moved up here).
X-rays you've had done: Teeth, my right ankle when I pulled my ligament (OW!) & my wrist(s) a few times.
Yummy food you make: According to my former co-workers: cake.  They practically would lick the pan clean!  And I think that my lemon chicken stir-fry is pretty yummers.  And thanks to Grandma’s recipe my meatloaf has gotten rather good. 
Zoo animal: Giraffes!  And sea otters because they’re so cute!
