Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lost: Ideas, Please Email if Found! No Reward

Two nights in a row I have thought of really cool post ideas while laying in bed drifting off to sleep.  But because I’m in final shut-down mode I don’t pull out my phone or scrap paper to jot a note to myself.  And when I am sitting with my laptop I cannot remember what that brilliant idea was…so I think that I need to stop having brilliant ideas so late, or stop thinking that they’re brilliant because odds are, after midnight no idea is brilliant.  But at least it’s an idea and there are some days where I really, really need an idea.

I think that I need to start leaving notepads and pens all over my apartment so that I can leave myself reminders.  Oh wait, I already do…guess I need to start reading them or remembering to use them.

So until I catch an idea…
