Thursday, September 15, 2011


I have become a reading machine.  Although I get much more enjoyment than a machine would most likely get out of reading.  Unless it’s a super cool machine that has feelings and experiences joy.  And if that machine (nee robot) exists then I want to know why it’s a big secret.  Heck, they made a big deal when they made a robot that “runs”, to me it looks like it’s having a bathroom emergency.  Right!?

The last month or so I’ve read about a book a week, sometimes more, and I’m enjoying having reading time again after having had relinquished that luxury to school work.  But because I’m reading so much and so fast (and I only read before bed so it’s not like I’m intending to power read) I’m looking for new and good books to read.  More recently I’d been reading books from my usual authors and series but I’m desiring something new and different.  I’ve been reading books that aren’t what I’d assume to be my “cup of tea” because people with good taste in books strongly recommend them.  For example, I finally read The Hunger Games because two different people assured me that they were 1) fantastic and 2) worth the trip into a genre that I normally avoid.  And they were so very right.

Anyway, the point of this post is not just to tell you that I’m reading a lot but to ask if you have any recommendations for me.  I feel so out of the loop on good fiction recently, so please tell me what you’ve read or have heard good things about down in the comments.

Loves and happy reading!