Friday, January 7, 2011

One Down, Nine to Go

I’ve survived the first week of winter quarter and was offered an applied experience position at my top choice organization!  Yeah!!  I’m not going to name the organization at this time because it’s not always smart to blog about work.  That’s also why I don’t share fun stories from work on here anymore.  You never know when one funny story turns into a firing.

The first day of school I had my Philosophy and Sociology classes.  Nothing too exciting there, the usual going over of the syllabus and brief summaries of chapter 1.  Though one of my professors must have been a middle-school teacher in a past life because she had us all write our name, major and a couple fun facts about ourselves on an index card so she could learn our names.  She spent about half of our class time learning our names.  While it’s nice that she is putting in the effort I’d rather just get down to business.  Yet it is fun hearing what fun facts people chose to share about themselves.  I shared that I like photography and know American Sign Language.

One of the fraternities had a table outside of the building that both of my classes were in and they were giving away free hot chocolate!  That’s right, free hot chocolate!  That sure did make for a good start to my morning.  I don’t drink coffee or tea so this is my hot drink of choice.  And it’s been rather cold here recently (seriously, it’s only been in the 40s) so my cold hands needed it.  And it was good.

hot chocolate

My final class, Psychology, was the next day and it looks like it will be a really good one (and not just because Dina’s in class with me).  The only thing that is giving me pause at this point is the fact that there is a guy in this class that’s a giant (think Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade balloon size) slacker and is really annoying.  I’ve had quite a few classes with him before and he seriously does nothing.  I don’t know if or how he manages to pass any classes he’s in.

Turns out that my predictions about my Philosophy class being a bit more of a breeze may not be so accurate.  I don’t think that it will be difficult so much as time consuming because there are a lot of assignments.  The lecture today reinforced the idea that it won’t be hard material.  With all three classes I will have a lot of outside work.  So I’m going to enjoy all the free time I can get, starting right now!
