Monday, August 3, 2009

I <3 Txt

Nothing is better than a good long phone call but sometimes the random text messages that show up makes my day. Take for example this gem from my mom:

OMG!!! Rascal just saved my life! Killer leaf in the backyard, I swear it was making it's way to the door! We're both ok.

This is why cats are such good pets. Who needs a guard dog?

Then there is this one from my dad:

The other night I thought I was seeing things, I decided I was crazy. Well I am not! I just found a blue belly lizard listening to music with me. Have fun. Love dad :-D

I asked him if he was listening to bluegrass...

Finally there is the one from Jas:

Bradley Cooper is HOT!!!

No argument here, he is deserving of those three exclamation points.



Jaslynn said...

Nice picture! And I still think Bradley Cooper is hot!!!