Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Santa Came To Town

Merry Christmas!  I hope Santa treated you well this year.  I know he treated us all well.  Mom scored with a Kindle, Becca got lots of gift cards, Dad was super excited about chili verde that was brought to him from Dos Carlitos, and I got a new iPod!  Of course we all got other really good loot but those were kind of the star gifts this year.

After breakfast, stockings, and gifties we played some fun games as a family.  We started with regular Trivial Pursuit (made in the 80s) but I was doing so bad that we had to bust out the easy Disney edition questions.  I was then able to get two wedges but Dad won that game.  Next we played Apples to Apples, one of my new favorites.  I ended with the most cards (the goal) but Dad did get to the goal number of cards first.  So I figure that I won, Dad’s just the first loser.  Hehe.

Then last night we played Wits and Wagers, another fun one.  Mom and Becca we doing so good that we ran out of chips to pay them out just before we finished the game.  Dad and I finished at 8 and 4 chips respectfully.  Mom and Becca were close to each other as well but Mom came out the victor on that one.

I also brought my Wii down so we’ve been playing Wii Sports a bit and I even got Dad to play MarioKart with me.  He did surprisingly well considering he’s not one to play video games.  Though I did take off the items so he wouldn’t get attacked or have to worry about throwing items at others or me.

Tomorrow night I’ll be hanging out with Mike, Lauren, and Lindsay and we’ll be trying out two new games.  After going to Tom’s Burger for dinner that is.  I’m excited for tomorrow!

Hope you all have a great end to 2010!
