Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Not Learning My Lesson With Smoke Alarms

Yesterday I did my yearly check to make sure that my smoke alarms are working.  You may remember my first check that I unintentionally performed.  Well I checked it again in nearly the same fashion.  Hehe, get it?  I totally wasn’t planning that but when I typed ‘fashion’ I knew that it’d be comedy.  Those are my skills people.  And managing to be slightly in the way.  I’ve determined that’s my superpower.  But that’s not what this post is about.

Yesterday I took a shower, listening to my music and singing along to Maroon 5 but this time I had the door open so that the warm air could freely escape.  Apparently I didn’t have the door open wide enough because it was still funneling out while focused at the smoke detector.  I’m nearly done with my shower but still have conditioner in my hair and soap suds all over when I hear the magic little chirpy beep starting.  Great.  At least this time I knew that I was the cause of the alarm going off and didn’t panic.  And neither did Dixie, so either she learned from my first lesson or I check the alarms more often than I realize.

Which brings me to my next smoke related story.  Not often I get to segue, most of the time I just change my ramble.  You’re welcome for a slightly more coherent post.  :)  I bought this super cute luminary from work for the holidays and have been burning either my Twisted Peppermint or Caramel Apple candle in the evenings when I get home from work.  It glows so pretty!


Well last night I got home and lit my super yummy smelling caramel apple candle (seriously smells like you’re baking caramel apples, which I know you don’t actually bake) while I relaxed and caught up on my Tivo’d shows.  I went to bed around midnight and read a little bit before I tried to get some sleep.  My sleep schedule always gets a little (ok, a lot) off during school breaks.  Well, just as I was thisclose to sleep I suddenly realized that I didn’t remember blowing out the candle.  So I crawled out from under the toasty blankets and snoring (excuse me, musically breathing) cat to check.  Sure enough the little house’s lights were softly flickering.  Oops.  I told them lights out and went back to bed.

I promise to be better about checking the house lights in the future.
