Monday, April 19, 2010

I Love Large Towels

Since it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted, I have decided to come back with a fun story.  It was one of those events that immediately registered as a good story, once I recovered from the adrenaline rush that is.

It was kind of cold a couple of weeks ago and, as everyone knows, the best way to warm yourself up is by taking a nice hot shower.  One night I forgot to turn on the fan while I showered and I can’t leave the door cracked because Dixie will pull it wide open and let all the cold air in.  So when I stepped out of the shower I flipped on the fan and cracked the door since Dixie was meowing and I didn’t want to lock her out of her bathroom if she was needing it.

Now I’m sure that you can see where this is going…Since I’d taken a hot shower and hadn’t been aiding the resulting stream from escaping it all came billowing out as soon as I opened the door.  The steam then immediately hit the smoke detector in the hallway and my bedroom causing them to go off.  I have a clock radio in the bathroom so sometimes I listen to (and sing along with) it while I shower.  I’d been listening to the music that evening so wasn’t sure if the alarm had been going off before I opened the door or only since I opened it.

So here I am, wearing only my towel trying to figure out if I need to be evacuating the building.  And not only if I need to evacuate, but if I’d have time to get dressed and how I was going to get Dixie out with me.  I didn’t have a cat carrier at that point (don’t worry, I have one now) so I was not only concerned with getting her outside but also with not getting impaled by claws in the process.

As I’m sure you’ve figured out, the smoke alarms were triggered by the steam from my shower, there was no smoke and no need for me to run into the parking lot wearing only a towel (and hopefully flip-flops) with a scared cat clutched to my chest.  Yeah, that’d have turned out well.  Though that would have made a really good story.
