Sunday, December 12, 2010

Scholarships For Me!?

The other day I received an email from a website I use for graduate school information letting me know that I qualify for some scholarships.  Most of the time I just delete these e-mails because I don’t actually qualify (apparently the initial criteria is that I’m alive and registered with their site) but I opened this one to take a quick look-see.

I qualified for both scholarships based on my religion.  This I found interesting because I don’t recall informing the site of my religion.  Maybe somebody there is psychic?  Anyways, the first scholarship was for Baptists and the second was to Muslims.  So….apparently I have a really cool, new hybrid religion.  Go me!  I think that totally warrants me the honor of naming this religion.  Now I don’t think that I can compete with that Flying Spaghetti Monster (or whatever) one that some people made up.  But it’d still be pretty spiffy.  Oh, that gives me a good idea.  I’ll call it something like “awesome” so when people ask your religion you could answer “I’m awesome!”  I’ll ponder this and get back to you on my final decision.

Then I got another e-mail so I had to open it.  I qualified for a scholarship based on something silly but it’s for international students studying within the United States.  I wasn’t aware that currently residing at the gateway to hell would count as international especially since I’m not from here.  Guess there are benefits to Bakersfield!
