Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Tornado In Bakersfield

I feel like I survived a tornado. That is if I lived where there are tornadoes and if I knew what surviving a tornado felt like but I'm sure that what I'm feeling is that same sensation. Last night I set my alarms on my cell phone for 8:50 and 9:00 so that I could take a really quick shower before I had to go to work. My regular alarm clock (the awesome iHome that I won last year) goes off at 8:30 daily even though I normally turn it off and go back to sleep. Now you can understand why I set multiple alarms different times in the morning, by the time the third (or fourth) alarm goes off I'm tired of telling them to "shhhhhh!" so I just get up.

So this morning my first alarm goes off and I turn it off because the people on the radio are being rude by talking when I'm trying to sleep. I'm expecting my phone to go off in about 20 more minutes but the next time I wake up it's 9:40... It's amazing how fast you wake up and get out of bed when you realize that you should be getting into your car at that exact moment. I ran to the bathroom to get ready, realized I forgot to grab a shirt (kind of necessary when getting dressed), ran back to my closet and threw it open, ran back to the bathroom with my shirt and got dressed so fast I'm surprised nothing was backwards or inside out. I then reached into my kitchen and filled my water bottle and grabbed a granola bar as I was running out the door. Yes, I have super extender arms and a really fast faucet otherwise that would totally be impossible to accomplish. Amazingly I arrived at work at 9:59 which was probably do to the fact that I was driving when people aren't going to work or dropping kids off at school and I didn't have to worry about weekend traffic. Had this been a Saturday, I'd have been doomed.

Don't worry, I've learned my lesson, next time I will just shower the night before. That way I won't sleep through my shower again.