Friday, September 30, 2011

Get To Know Me ABC’s

I saw this over on and thought that I’d do this too.  It’s the “Get to Know Me ABC’s”.

Age: 26
Bed size: Full
Chore you hate: Cleaning the bathroom.
Dogs: We had a goof-ball rescue named Shasta.  For a long time we thought she was a mutt but then we thought she might have been a flat-coated retriever who’d had her tail docked.  Either way, she was fantastic.

Essential start of your day: An extra hit of the snooze button!  Haha.  That and morning purrs and snuggles with Dixie.
Favorite color: Recently it’s becoming purple but I always love a good green.
Gold or silver: Silver because I think that it looks better with my skin.  But white gold is a good pick too.
Height: 5'8"
Instruments I play (or have played): Besides the recorder which everyone learns in elementary school I’ve played the saxophone.  Haven’t played for a long time though and I had to pick between band and art at one point in school so I chose art.
Job title: I am a sales associate.
Kids: Nope.  My child is four legged and has a tail. haha
Live: In Oregon!
Mom's name: Mary Jane
Nickname: Kimmers, Kimbers, Kimmer, Kimber, Cajun Ninja.  The last one I was recently honored with at work.  It was just Cajun to start and then Ninja was added.
Overnight hospital stays: When I was born, you know the norm.
Pet peeve: Rude people, and especially when they are knowingly rude.
Quote from a movie: Tough one, anything from The Princess Bride is always good, and from Young Frankenstein.  Most of my favorite quotes are from Psych, but since it’s a television show it doesn’t count for this.

Right or left handed: Right
Siblings: One younger sister.
Time you wake up: I’m a night owl, like to sleep, and am one of those people who need more sleep.  So generally around 10 am if I’ve been insomnia free.  But I am often woken up earlier than that by Dixie wanting some pets.
Underwear: Not sure what it’s asking here…yes?  Cute?  I own some?  :)
Vegetables you dislike: Aspara-gross.
What makes you run late: Pressing the snooze button that extra time.  Or just forgetting something on my way out the door.  Or getting stuck waiting for a train  (that’s happened to me twice since I’ve moved up here).
X-rays you've had done: Teeth, my right ankle when I pulled my ligament (OW!) & my wrist(s) a few times.
Yummy food you make: According to my former co-workers: cake.  They practically would lick the pan clean!  And I think that my lemon chicken stir-fry is pretty yummers.  And thanks to Grandma’s recipe my meatloaf has gotten rather good. 
Zoo animal: Giraffes!  And sea otters because they’re so cute!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lost: Ideas, Please Email if Found! No Reward

Two nights in a row I have thought of really cool post ideas while laying in bed drifting off to sleep.  But because I’m in final shut-down mode I don’t pull out my phone or scrap paper to jot a note to myself.  And when I am sitting with my laptop I cannot remember what that brilliant idea was…so I think that I need to stop having brilliant ideas so late, or stop thinking that they’re brilliant because odds are, after midnight no idea is brilliant.  But at least it’s an idea and there are some days where I really, really need an idea.

I think that I need to start leaving notepads and pens all over my apartment so that I can leave myself reminders.  Oh wait, I already do…guess I need to start reading them or remembering to use them.

So until I catch an idea…


Thursday, September 15, 2011


I have a confession.  I love frozen yogurt.  Like, a lot.  It’s delicious and fairly good for you considering it’s a treat.  Plus the self-serve froyo places are so cool!  But sometimes I get slightly overwhelmed by the topping choices.  It’s hard enough sometimes to decide which of the eight flavors you want to enjoy (or how many of the eight…) but then to decide if you want Fruity Pebbles (highly recommend) or fresh fruit or chocolate chips or granola or nuts or whatever else for your toppings…it’s crazy!

The other day I went and I got lemon bar and outrageous orange yo and threw some yogurt chips on top, so yummy and perfect on a warm day.  I was going to take a before photo but I got too distracted by how much I wanted to eat it.  So here’s an after shot.  :)

 cuppa yo

And check out the orange couch they have in one of the rooms, looks just like that couch from Nickelodeon.  You know, back in the 90s when they had the coolest shows ever.

cuppa yo couch

Next time I go to CuppaYo I think that I’m going to try their Huckleberry yogurt.  Sounds delish.



I have become a reading machine.  Although I get much more enjoyment than a machine would most likely get out of reading.  Unless it’s a super cool machine that has feelings and experiences joy.  And if that machine (nee robot) exists then I want to know why it’s a big secret.  Heck, they made a big deal when they made a robot that “runs”, to me it looks like it’s having a bathroom emergency.  Right!?

The last month or so I’ve read about a book a week, sometimes more, and I’m enjoying having reading time again after having had relinquished that luxury to school work.  But because I’m reading so much and so fast (and I only read before bed so it’s not like I’m intending to power read) I’m looking for new and good books to read.  More recently I’d been reading books from my usual authors and series but I’m desiring something new and different.  I’ve been reading books that aren’t what I’d assume to be my “cup of tea” because people with good taste in books strongly recommend them.  For example, I finally read The Hunger Games because two different people assured me that they were 1) fantastic and 2) worth the trip into a genre that I normally avoid.  And they were so very right.

Anyway, the point of this post is not just to tell you that I’m reading a lot but to ask if you have any recommendations for me.  I feel so out of the loop on good fiction recently, so please tell me what you’ve read or have heard good things about down in the comments.

Loves and happy reading!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pouring Brews

Last year when visiting Bend, Dad and I attended Bend Brewfest and I posted about that here.  This year I decided to volunteer for the event!  I knew that I wanted to attend but I’m not much of a beer drinker so I figured that volunteering would be the best solution.  Not only did I get to still check out the event, but I also got a free shirt, mug, and tasting chips.  So basically, you pour drinks for five hours and you get some drinks on the house!  Actually I got extra drinks on the house since I worked a closing shift (Thursday 6:30-11p) and after taps closed all of us volunteers went back-stage (literally) and we were poured some of the specialty beers that cost extra chips to taste.  I tried Gilgamesh’s Mint Kolsch and it was pretty good, I like that it had a good mint flavor without a weird aftertaste.  Added bonus, a super low IBU aka bitterness rating.

When I arrived to check-in as a volunteer I was randomly assigned to pour for Maui Brewing.  My card read “Maui Brewing.  Bikini Blond Lager.”  And yes, I made a joke referencing how I’d have planned my outfit and hair color better had I known beforehand.  I was also asked a few times while I was pouring where my grass skirt was.  My standard response: I left it at home since I knew it’d be breezy that evening.  I was supposed to pour with another person at Maui Brewing (all pourers were volunteers, no brewery representatives poured) but we weren’t busy/popular enough so they took him to another area that was getting much more attention from the drinkers.  I then became Bikini Blond Lager girl and Mana Wheat girl.  Which was fine with me, because it was a bit crowded in my corner.  Maui Brewing sent over cans rather than kegs so I had a large plastic tub behind me filled with cans and ice.

Bend Brewfest 2

Mana Wheat, Bikini Blond Lager

After about an hour of pouring I wasn’t as thrilled with having cans.  My fingers were cold from reaching into the ice tub and my index finger on my right hand was not happy from popping so many tops.  I swear my finger still hurt two days later!

I really wanted to try the Mana Wheat because it was brewed with pineapple juice and a lot of people asked me about it.  But as long as I was wearing my green volunteer shirt I was prohibited from drinking any beer.  If I did I could get in trouble and the event shut down.  It got tiring to explain to people why I didn’t know more about the beer than what was written in the beer guide that everyone was given.  Especially when they 1) obviously had tasted a few brews already and 2) didn’t understand that I was not from Hawaii or Maui Brewing.  Not sure what part of my “tan” screams Hawaiian…  But most people understood once I explained that I can pour or I can taste, I can’t do both.  In those cases they were happy to hear which one I was pouring more of and the feedback I’d gotten.  (Bikini Blond started strong and stayed strong while Mana Wheat got popular once people heard it had pineapple.)

The guy pouring the next station over and I chatted and laughed about the characters we saw throughout the night.  We spotted a guy with neon MC Hammer pants and neon sunglasses….hard to miss.  Then there was a bachelor party group that was dressed up as scouts (both boy and girl) and uber-nerds (cowlicks and pocket-protectors included).  Great people watching event.  I had a lot of fun and would seriously consider volunteering again next year.  But if I work another closing shift I’m remembering a light jacket, it got cold at about 9:30!

Bend Brewfest 1

I still haven’t gotten to try either of the beers I poured but next time I go to Whole Foods I’m buying a can of each!
