Saturday, May 1, 2010

Forget Controlling My Destiny, I Want To Control My Universe

Occasionally I wish that I had a universal remote.  You know, a real universal remote like in that Adam Sandler movie Click.  Only I would be responsible with my new found power.  I’d just use it for important things.  For example, pausing time so that I can sleep in.  Or doing a quick rewind to catch information that I missed.  And I wouldn’t fast forward through homework, I’d pause time so that I would have even more free time when I finished!  I think the only time I’d fast forward through school would be my health psychology class because it’s so slow and boring!  We could do in half an hour what’s done in two hours in this class.


Sometimes when I have too much homework or too little sleep I imagine how wonderful it’d be to have the power over time.  That’d definitely be my superhero power if I could pick.  Though flying would be a close second.  I think that’d be fun, though slightly impractical if I needed to take anything with me.  Ugh, flying home for the weekend with pillow under one arm and suitcase in my other?  No thank you.  But that’s ok, I enjoy a good drive with fun music blaring.
