Friday, October 16, 2009

Hiatus and Visitors

Ok so I know it has been a very very long time since I've updated and I'm sorry. This semester is just taking up so much time that I don't find that I can easily sit here and type about what's happening with me. I can assure you that all is well, school and work are both taking a lot of hours but I am also managing to keep myself well balanced with fun things too. I just want to tell you that until I don't feel that I am behind in school and needing more hours in a week or day or whatever I won't be posting.

Side note, it's come to my attention that I have had some unexpected site activity. Recently I've had about 9 site visits from all over (Portugal, Columbia University, Boston, Chicago, etc) which is pretty cool. Granted they don't stay long but I find it interesting that it appears that they're all in-clicking to my entry "Get With the Program: It's Spring Not Summer" and the lovely photo of the snapdragons. Kind of curious why but hey, whatever.

Until later.