Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Get With The Program: It's Spring, Not Summer

Today I did my part to try to convince the weather that it is still only spring and not yet summer. This week has been really hot. And not just hot, but stuffy open a window to the coast hot. Today I worked on reminding Mother Nature that it's only April and it has only been spring for a month now. We can't ignore the season like it's the red haired step-child. We must give it the love and respect that it deserves. So to send a polite reminder I sat outside in the 100 degree heat and planted snapdragons. Take note Mother Nature, I want my flowers to grow and be happy. Not to need me to drench them hourly so that they can beat the heat.

These are not my snapdragons, my snapdragons are currently only seeds.

UPDATE: Hi, I've noticed quite a bit of activity on this entry and was just wondering what brings you here?