Sunday, February 27, 2011

So A Dog Was Riding In A Car…

When I was driving home today I saw something funny.  A dog riding shotgun in a Honda.  Ok, so that’s not the funny part because dogs ride shotgun all the time and in Hondas quite often I’d assume.  The funny part was that he was dressed like a stagecoach driver!

Ok, so he wasn’t dressed like a stagecoach driver.  That would have been beyond awesome!  Dang, now the real thing won’t seem quite as funny.  Oh well.  He was buckled in like a people!  No face hanging out the window, no jumping all around, he was just sitting calmly with the seatbelt pulled across his chest.  Still, gave me a smile and was super cute.



Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Awe, that would have been cute. I don't think I've ever buckled my dog in...never really thought about it. :)