Friday, February 25, 2011

Yes, I’m Alive…Stressed But Alive

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve posted!  This quarter has been going by so fast that I feel like I’m both physically and mentally running around trying to keep pace.  I was able to steal a few moments to try to update what is going on with me.

This quarter is nearly done, this next week will be week seven, or maybe this week that just ended was week seven…I don’t know.  But I do know that my finals are March 15-17.  And I get a whole week from my brain to stop pretending to be jell-o before the crazies start again.  Luckily spring quarter won’t have as much going on.  I will only be taking two classes, since that’s all I need and I really don’t need extra units.  I may do some volunteer work but only a couple hours a week as to not get overextended.

As you may remember, or know, or care, or not…I will be graduating this June with my Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology.  Hehe, I’m getting my B.S. degree…get it?  Sorry, anyways, I’d been planning on going straight into a Masters program to get that much closer to earning my licensure to become a certified Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT).  It looks like I will take a quick pause and start working within the field of Psychology before I start the Masters program.  This will be good opportunity for me to put what I’ve used thus far into action, not to mention the networking opportunities within my field.  Oh, and my brain could use a little break from lots and lots of homework.  :)

I am still really interested in programs that are offered in Oregon so I will probably go ahead and move up there this summer.  That way when I do start my Masters program I’ll hopefully qualify for in-state residency tuition rates and I really have no need (or desire) to stay in Bakersfield once my lease is up at the end of June.  Bleh.

Back to homework.  Yes, it’s Friday evening and I’m working on homework.  Sigh.  I am so earning a Disneyland trip!  Who wants to take me?  ;)
