Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Getting Antsy For That Cap and Gown

Great news!  Today I met with my academic advisor to discuss my progress and my picks for classes for Fall quarter and she told me that I’m basically 20 units away from graduation!  Woo-hoo!!


Basically I need to take 10 units in my major and 10 units in my minor (sociology) to earn my bachelors degree in psychology.  I don’t even need to worry about taking any electives or filler unit classes since I’ve got tons of units under my belt already.  I’ve been a senior (according to the amount of units I’ve completed) for quite a while now.  In fact, last quarter I had 180 units, that’s the minimum required to graduate!  That’s the nice thing about taking about 4 years to get your associates degree, you can fly through your next degree.

Other benefits to a long community college career?  1) Getting to take a large variety of classes for relatively cheap.  Astronomy?  Check.  Black and White Photography?  Check.  Modern American Literature?  Check.  American Film?  Check.  Marine Biology?  Check.  Cardio Kickboxing?  Check!  2) Figuring out what the heck you actually want to major in before you get into the “big leagues”. Hmm…after writing all those papers maybe I don’t want to be an English major after all…I just want to read it, not pick it to pieces!  3) More graduation ceremonies!  And who doesn’t love celebratory dinners?  I love celebratory dinners so much that after this one I am planning on yet another one in another 2-3 years.  Not sure what city that dinner will be held in yet but I’ll let you know.
