Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Recycling and Reusing

Earlier today Dixie was sticking her head into my practically full bag of paper recycles and pulling layers out...well she decided to do it again later tonight after I had just made sure it was full so I could take it over to the recycling dumpsters tomorrow. Totally my fault for leaving it laying on it's side, I know. After this second effort to empty the bag I thought that maybe she wanted to play in the bag or just hang out in it, after all she loves her cardboard box from Amazon. So I grabbed a fresh bag and propped it open for her (laying on it's side of course) and what do you know, she immediately goes over and sticks her face in it. About 3 seconds later this is what I see...

And here's the Amazon box I mentioned:
(Sorry, image issue, will fix soonish)

Oh, and have I mentioned her shoebox?

Yeah, my cat's all about the high-tech toys. Well that is if they come in a good box or bag.