Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Consider Yourself Warned

I have become one of those pet owners. You know, the ones that take way too many photos or videos of their pet doing "cute" things. I blame Dixie, afterall she's just way too cute.

I still feel like our relationship is fairly new so I am learning her quirks and normal behavior as she fells even more at home with me. For example, she'll sleep next to me nearly all night but when she wants a little attention in the morning she'll sit on the edge of my pillow and gently knead my hair. And I've learned that if she meows while playing with one of her toy mice then I am not to pay attention, she's talking to the mouse and my talking to her interrupts her concentration.

In the nearly two months that I've had Dixie I still hadn't figured out how to get her to scratch on one of the two scratchers that I've got for her and not the carpet. That is until I bought one of those cardboard scratchers (yes, a third scratcher) which has catnip. Apparently Dixie enjoys catnip.

And yes, she now uses the scratcher.