Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shhhh....It's a Surprise!

I am posting this from B-town, I am on spring break (woo-hoo finals are done!) and have managed to get my call-ins at work covered so that I can relax at home. You know, the original home. I say it's a surprise because Dad is still on his man-cation with Mike to Arizona to watch baseball spring training and doesn't know that I'm here. In fact, he thinks that I am stuck in B-field my whole spring break. Muhahahaha... So tonight when he gets home from the man-cation I will be here. That's what he gets for surprising me a month ago. I have to stay ahead in this game, it's fun and if I turn it into a competition then that may mean more surprise visits. See how this is win-win?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where's Your Green?

Hi all, I know I've been rather absent recently but this is finals week. Just wanted to wish you a happy St. Patty's Day and show off my green. Can you tell it was an afterthought? Are you wearing green? Or orange?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

T Time

So apparently the Google game was correct, I do need your help. I have a special discount code to get a spiffy t-shirt from one of my favorite websites for only $5 but cannot decide which one I want to get. So I am asking you for your opinion; just post your pick in the comments section.

Pavlov: The Name That Rings A Bell
(Good Psychology shirt)

Hyperbole Is The Best Thing Ever!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Arrival of Dad...Part Deux

Previously on "Adventures" of This College Girl... I was regaining my composure after Dad surprised me by showing up to visit a day early. After I got over the initial shock and we unloaded Dad's truck (thanks again for the chicken!) I informed Dad that I needed to be fed. After all, he told me not to eat dinner yet! In the spirit of trying new things we went to BJ's and had pizza.

Friday we woke up early and ever important errands. Such as taking my recycles to campus (that's where the drop off is), buying me a CSUB sweatshirt (how did I go nearly two quarters without one?), and doing the final steps in the great mattress hunt. Checking to see if sale prices had changed and doing the final mini-nap comparisons. Turns out that we bought my new bed at the first place I tried mattresses. It's an Englander and it's really high off the ground, and it's like sleeping on a cloud. I love it! Of course we ended the night by watching the Monk and Psych season finales.

Saturday the bed was delivered and I almost didn't want to do anything but lay on my belly diagonally across it. But Dad was able to get me to leave the house, after feeding me a great grilled cheese sandwich. We then went spelunking and discovered ancient treasures--we'll be famous for years because of this find. We were considering tracking down Bigfoot but decided against it since so many people hassle him. Plus my uncle Kris has already found him, or at least that was the joke. [Ok so I ended up using my Delirious skills for good rather than for evil. That is way more exciting than the fact that we went to the Goodwill store and bought me a corning ware and stopped by FoodsCo for groceries. And you're welcome Dad, I was going to have the abominable snowman kidnap you and feed you yellow sno cones, a la Monsters Inc.] After our many interviews for various media outlets we decided to unwind with a movie marathon. First up was Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy followed by Stagecoach.

Fun fact: I rafted/kayaked down the same river that John Wayne and company crossed in the film!

On that note, stay tuned for the conclusion of this weekend saga. We might just tame the Loch Ness Monster!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Silly Google Game

So I read about this game which is apparently sweeping the internet. I don't know what it's called but here's what you do: go to Google and search "your name needs" (ex "Kimmers needs") and the first ten sites that are listed are what you "need".

Here is what I need according to Google:

1) All five of my riders around me at all times!
Well, maybe I'll allow them to hang outside the door when I'm in the bathroom...

2) A professional profile

3) A `John Miron Day'
Who's John Miron? Is he hot and single? Do I get to keep him?

4) Prayers
Hopefully not any special prayers...unless they are regarding John Miron being hot and single

5) To find old friends from school
Thanks you are everywhere!

6) The Timken Company's information, including email, business address and phone, bio, title, job history, colleagues...
Oh, maybe I'll be doing secret spy work

7) To know exactly how much light will reach the film when taking a picture.
Well that makes sense, nobody likes an underexposed photo

8) Your help!
Hmm... hopefully this doesn't have to do with the prayers

9) Small businesses and entrepreneurs who need guidance
Not sure how I'd help them but hey, I'll give it a shot!

10) To be in the search engine
Um, I think I'm there! :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Arrival of Dad

The weekend of February 20th was great! Dad was planning on coming up/over on Friday night for a visit and we were going to go check out the opening-weekend-tournament-premiere-season-event for CSUB's baseball program. (More about that later.) But one thing that I was extra excited about in addition to seeing Dad and the delivery of some of Grandma's chili verde was the replacing of my haunted, hand-me-down bed by a brand spankin' new bed! For those of you that did not know, my previous bed was haunted. It made noises that only a ghost or lost soul trapped inside a spring filled box of despair would make. For about a week before Dad visited I drove around town looking for places at which I could take a mid-day nap. I only got lost once, finding myself on a highway that I didn't know existed, but was able to find my way back home without much trouble.

Thursday afternoon I was at the grocery store trying to decide what I was going to make Dad and I for dinner Friday night and couldn't make up my mind between lemon chicken stir fry or fajitas. So I decided to call Dad and ask him if he had a preference, being about as decisive as I am, he said that he'd be happy with either and would let me decide. Very helpful when I am standing in the produce aisle and not sure which veggies I will need! Dad said that he was on his way to Lompoc to run a few errands and most likely would lose his signal so would call me back once he got there. (Note to any law enforcement: I can neither confirm nor deny if he was or was not using a hands-free phone as the law states, I am only stating that we were speaking to each other.) While I was checking tortilla prices Dad drove through a dead zone and left me on my own to make the dinner decision. I'm telling you deciding on a mattress was nearly easier! On my way home Dad called me back and told me to wait on my dinner that night until he spoke with Mom and Becca about their dinner so that we could coordinate and not mess up any possible plans. He also told me that he'd call me back in about two and a half hours so I'd have plenty of time to hit the gym and shower before he'd call me with the dinner update.

I still had my hair wrapped in my towel when Dad called me to make sure that I was home and out of the shower because he was just pulling into the neighborhood. He told me he would call me back in a few once he talked to Mom and Becca about dinner. Moments later he called me back to let me know that he was on his own for dinner because Mom and Becca weren't home (they were in Santa Maria checking on a car for Becca). Shortly before I noticed the lights of a car pull up outside and peered out the window to see what I thought was a familiar car. I then was a bit suspicious and peered out my door's peep-hole only to see a very familiar looking guy talking on a cell phone on the sidewalk outside my door. So just as Dad was about to say something about possibly having pizza for dinner I ripped open my front door to reveal that he was surprising me by showing up a day early! I was so excited and very surprised to see him standing there that I very loudly exclaimed something along the lines of "OhmygodIcan'tbelieveyou'rehereearly!!!" I'm pretty sure my response surprised my new neighbors or at least their dog.

Since I am trying not to write epic essays I will put a To Be Plus Dad says that if it's too long people will get bored and not read it. Which I totally found ridiculous, my gibberish is riveting! I then informed him that I have the power, much like John Candy in Delirious, whatever I write is what happens. Muhahahaha! So stay tuned you never know what twists may turn!

When I get home, I kick my shoes off

Though most of the time I am only wearing flip-flops so it's not much to kick off. I love walking around the house in my slippers during colder months and in summer I revert to childhood when I would constantly be barefoot. Besides, you can't show off your pedicure while wearing shoes!