Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Coma Is My Favorite Coma

Today was actually my second time leaving Buellton for Bakersfield this weekend. I was on the schedule at B&BW for call-in shifts for Friday and Saturday. If I have a call-in shift I am supposed to call about an hour and a half before the start time to see if they are busy and need me to come in to work. Since the drive from B-field to B-town is three hours I would have to call from the road, after having pulled over of course. I don't have a bluetooth for my cell phone and I'm not going to get a $100-ish ticket for using my phone and car at the same time.

Friday morning, later than I planned because I overslept (big surprise...), I left B-town with my lunch packed and ready to report to work. I figured that they were going to need everyone who is scheduled since it was Black Friday. I got to New Cuyama, about 1/2 way between the B's, pulled over near their market and called work to verify if they needed me. Turns out, they decided not to use my call-in. So I don't have to work, possibly, until Saturday at 5pm. Since it was nearly noon and I had my delicious mom-made turkey sandwich, I got comfy and had a lovely picnic listening to Maroon 5. I picnicked in my car because it was windy and cool outside! After my lunch I got back on the road and about an hour and a half later was back to B-town. Since I had an extra 24 hours or so and they had leftovers I decided to go back down for an extra day. I had been joking that I was just going to drive to New Cuyama for a picnic Friday and then go back and visit for an extra day and knew I had to stick with that plan. Plus the sky to the east looked less inviting than the sky in the west. It was nice being able to just hang out for one more day.

So today I packed up, with a killer case of deja vu, and left the house at about quarter to 2 and pulled off at New Cuyama to call B&BW to check if I was needing to come in for my call-in shift. Go ahead, guess what they said. Guess yet? Ok. They said that they would not be using my call-in today. Again! So guess what I did. I drove to... drumroll please! ... Bakersfield! I wasn't going to turn around again, that's just a ridiculous waste of gas, my time and I did need to feed Lavender. Bonus: the sky to the east didn't look scary today!

I got back from Buellton about two hours ago and it seems so quiet here. Not that it was loud at home but there were people there and a cat who was telling me all about how he is mistreated and forced to sleep on a bed smaller than his bed. And why did I take his bed away in the first place, it was working just fine, thank you much. But he was very excited that the air mattress was set up for his use while I was down there. So not only did he get a big bed back but his human pillow that he is so kind to share his bed with! His life is so rough. Haha

Thanksgiving was great. Mom cooked a delish meal and my Turkey Bingo turkey was so yummy! (Each year the Elks have a turkey bingo where the prizes are turkeys and I won last year!!! We've been going for years and this is the first time we've won.) I actually ate cranberry sauce this year, figured I had to try the dish that I made. Julia came up and it was great being able to see her, plus she brought the pies. She made pumpkin and apple and they were so good! I had brought down my Wii so we all ended up playing Wii Sports after dinner. We played tennis since we didn't want to kill ourselves after having eaten. Although towards the end of the night Becca and I did box each other and that was killer! We tied with two KO's each but I am going to say that I won, not only because it's my blog but also because she wouldn't fight a rematch to declare a winner. Ha!

Ok, I have to go find myself some dinner before it gets way too late.