Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beginning of the Last

School has started again and it’s the start of my final year at CSUB.  I am taking three classes this quarter, one of which is a lab.  This lab, social psychology lab, is turning out to be my favorite class this quarter.  Though I’m not surprised since I enjoyed the corresponding class when I took it and this professor is one of my favorites.

One of my other two classes will not be making any sort of appearance on a favorite list.  I am only taking this particular class because it is a requirement for graduation.  It is a science class—energy and technology—and I take about three pages of notes (front and back) per class.  I may end up needing another notebook at the rate we’re going!  One thing that is making this class tolerable is that I’m taking it with my friend Dina.  You know what they say: misery loves company!

My final class is doing double duty.  It counts towards my major and fulfills yet another requirement for graduation: gender, race and ethnicity.  The class is psychology of women.  It’s…interesting…not exactly what I expected, it’s taught from a feminist point of view and well…it’s interesting how some of the theories look at the differences or implied differences between men and women.  There are four guys in the class and they are pretty comfortable speaking up in class so I’m proud of them for that, especially since our professor is a self-identified feminist.

So far I’m three weeks in of my ten weeks and it’s going pretty good.  But don’t expect that same response in four weeks when I’m in the middle of my term papers!
