Saturday after work I had a bit of a surprise waiting for me. And it's not the kind of surprise that you get all goofy and excited over. You know, the type of thing where your sentences are all fast and squished together because you're trying to share the excitement with anyone and everyone as fast as you can. Yeah, totally not that type.
It's the type of surprise that makes you want to hide, or move or have any excuse not to deal with it. It's the worst mail (besides a large credit card bill when you're broke) that could arrive at anytime. It's a jury duty summons.
They finally found me. I received a summons for Santa Barbara County earlier in the year and I was excused since I live over here in the gateway to hell* to attend school. Apparently news got out among the summoners that I haven't had to report for a few years and that they needed to find me and summon me now. Mission accomplished. Well played Kern County Superior Court system, well played.
My potential report date is Tuesday, September 8th. Exactly one week before my fall quarter starts. Hopefully they won't even need me to come in, or if I do have to go in then I'll be excused. I don't need to be selected for duty this close to classes starting, especially when superior court handles the bigger (and most likely longer) cases. We pay for me to go to school, not to just buy the expensive text books.
Hopefully this photo will be the closest I get to the juror box**:
* I have discovered that B-field is the gateway to hell by simple observation. As everyone and their mother knows, B-field gets hot in the summer. So hot that the temperature reaches (and often exceeds) 113.4 degrees. In fact, the high temp one day was 113.4. And this, as we all know from making words on our calculators, spells "hell" when viewed upside down. Mystery solved.
** Not that I'd mind terribly if I did have to serve in the future, I'd just prefer not to during the school year.
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
1 year ago