Sunday, November 28, 2010

Three Months, One Post

Ok so it is obvious that I am incapable of keeping my blog updated and concentrate on school at once.  You’ll notice that the majority of my blog postings are either during winter or summer break, or right at the start of the quarter when there is significantly less homework.  It’s not that I don’t think about posting, it’s just that by the time I’m done with homework I would rather do something besides continue to stare at my computer screen.  Maybe I can train Dixie to post for me…she’s got long toes, I’m sure they’d aid her in her typing…

So I am going to try to engage my brain and quickly go over fun things that I’ve missed posting about.  After the Hollywood Phoenix concert we meandered around Universal Way for a while and I found the most amazing candy store in the world!  It is seriously gianormous!!!  And they have everything there and crazy versions of the best candy.  Take this multi-pound gummi bear:

giant gummi bearI think the big orange one is five pounds?  I can’t remember, I just know that it’s so much sugar that it’d take a year to eat it or you would be put into a sugar coma.  So if you want to see more candy than you’d know what to do with and some really cool imaging then check out It’Sugar.

it'sugar Then in October was an even that I’ve been very (and I mean VERY) excited about: Maroon 5 concert.  Really, need I say more?  I am in love with them, have been since the beginning and forever will be.  This was the second time that I was able to go to one of their shows and it’s always a great show.  They get onstage and perform for you and sound great live.  Bruno Mars and then One Republic were the opening acts so really, it was like three concerts in one!  I went with a friend from work and we had really good seats (within the first 20 rows), there was no general admission-first-come-first-serve-standing-room-only area which was nice because I don’t like having to fight for my life while singing along to Give a Little More and Stutter.  Some shows I’m fine with getting there early and using my boxing-out skills from years of basketball but that can take a lot of energy.  Especially when people are trying to get closer to Adam Levine in the hopes that he’d spot them from a distance, mid-song, and fall in love with them.  Not gonna happen girls, at least not to you.  Maybe me, but not you.  haha

Maroon5 HandsAllOverHalloween was exciting.  I worked.  We had a floor-set so I was there until midnight.  I dressed up as a college student who had too much to do with too little time to do it.  That was about the time that the second set of mid-terms was coming around and term papers were due soon too.  So I was all school all the time with less sleep than I normally like.  Until that next weekend.

Friends from back home came to visit for the weekend and it was nice to hang out and check out some places around town that I hadn’t yet.  And Lindsay was craving Sonic so we went there about five times.  No joke, and they got here Friday night and left Sunday.  The girl working at the Sonic closest to my house (we went to a few different ones) was recognizing us because we visited that often.  Aside from there we also went to a place called Monster Mini Golf which is an indoor mini-golf course that is completely lit by black lights.  Very fun and very cool!  Lindsay’s shirt was a bright yellow and glowed the best, mine was pretty good too because it had yellow, purple and white stripes.

monster mini golf It was a very fun weekend, a good intermission before the craziness of finals and term papers.  But I really need to learn to better budget my time so that I stop procrastinating and don’t get stuck with 16+ pages of term papers to write in one weekend.  Yep, I didn’t get much of any sleep one very long weekend because I was glued to my research and term papers.  I did find it funny that a nice break from my homework was an experiment I was working on.  Not as a subject, though I’ve been one before for a study on false memories, but as a researcher.  I’ll dedicate a better post to that one later and it should be soon since I’m on winter break now.  Which means that I can finally catch up on my giant stack of books that I keep thinking that I’m going to read much faster than I do.
