Why is it that the last two weeks of school are always the most stressful? Sure we have finals, papers, poster presentations, and all kinds of other fun little things to do but shouldn't it be less stressful? I mean, theoretically, we've learned all that we are going to learn already so we should know all of the material. So why do we worry so much at the end? If the information is in our heads then we should be confident that we will do well. Yet, I find myself wishing that it was next Friday so that everything would be done. Finals? Aced. Poster presentation? Done. Huge proposal paper? Submitted.
Sigh. Until next Friday at 6pm I'll just be eating, drinking, sleeping, dreaming, thinking psychology. Oh, and if anyone has a good idea for my proposal paper just let me know. I have no idea. Oh well, I have eight papers that I have to review so I can discuss previous research, maybe something will inspire me. Not that it'd kill me if my paper isn't perfect...my grade is already so far ahead of the majority of the class that I could submit a decent paper, nearly bomb the final, and still earn an 'A' once the grades are curved. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised. I've gotten a 93% and 84% on the two big tests (not that surprised about that) and still have managed to outscore nearly everyone else by 25-40 points per test (hello surprise). No wonder people voted to have half of our final be a group final. Little do they know, I'm not going to answer in the group--group brainstorming is fine but I'm not going to answer the questions for them like they've basically said they're counting on. I'm earning my A and they can earn their own grade, I'm not responsible for their achievements.
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
1 year ago