Thursday, October 30, 2008

Goblins and Ghosts and Ghouls, Oh My!

It's almost Halloween!! I love Halloween, it's probably my second favorite holiday though I am not sure how I am celebrating this year. I don't have a costume, in fact I can't remember the last time I didn't dress up for this bewitching day. Sigh. I'll dig around in my closet and see if I can't figure out something that isn't too minimal effort looking. I will not be dressing up as a college student, even if I do have a plethora of school sweatshirts. In fact, I still need to buy candy for trick-or-treaters! That is if I'll be at my apartment to hand out candy. I may go out with some people or go to the free showing of Cloverfield, Poltergeist, and Rocky Horror Picture Show downtown. I don't know yet, and probably won't until Friday afternoon!

Here's Dad and I from Halloween one of the last two years.

Are you dressing up this year?