Thursday, September 11, 2008

Internetless in Bakersfield

Hello all! Just a quick post letting you know that I'm not ignoring you, I just don't have any Internet until Monday the 15th. But how did this get posted? Simple, I made my way around the corner from my apartment to the Kern County Library and have hijacked one of their computers so that I can check my e-mail, apply for jobs, find out two of my classes have been dropped, and similar fun activities. Yes, two of my classes have been dropped. I knew about one of them but the second, not so excited. It was my 5 unit class on personality and I was looking forward to it. Now my Psychology classes are all prerequisites and I only have one real class. Not that I mind only having one real class but still I bought the book yesterday. I don't need to deal with this when classes start on Monday! Especially without the luxury of taking more than a hour on the Internet and on my own computer. Oh well. I think I'll just scoot on over to campus, about three more blocks, to see what's up and return my one book.


Jaslynn said...

Hello hello! How is the internet going? Kiwi says hi =)