Friday, May 14, 2010

Serena Ryder at Kelly Lounge

As I posted the other day I’d “won” tickets to the Kelly Lounge to see Serena Ryder perform.  I went over to the Fox Theater right after work and got there about five minutes before Serena hit the stage.  My friend from work, Mary Ellen, met me there and we sat pretty close to the stage.  Not that getting a good, nay, great seat would be too difficult, they only gave out 150ish tickets and not everyone that “won” even showed up.  Idiots.  It’s a FREE show!

She came out, chatted a bit, and then opened the show with her current single All For Love.

I took videos of parts of the show.  This video is the first verse and chorus of All For Love.  She sounds so good live, definitely not an artist that needs any assistance in the recording studio.

008(Sorry if the photos may be a bit blurry, I didn’t use flash so I had to use a longer exposure time.)


I liked the fact that she would stop between songs and chat about her songs or her boots.  A kid in the audience said that she liked her boots and that she was wearing boots too.  It was pretty funny.  She seems like a really cool person and I hope that she is very successful.

Serena played about 5 songs (the Kelly Lounge is short but intimate) before the meet and greet.  While standing in line to meet her I bought one of her cds for $10 so I could get her to sign it.  Plus after hearing her live I would totally buy her album anyways.

Signed Serena Ryder CD

Afterwards Mary Ellen and I went to dinner at this little joint called Happy Jack’s.  It’s been in Bakersfield for 30 years and the food is scrumptious.  You walk in the front door and there is only counter seating and about 16 seats.  They are known for their burger and pies and let me tell you, they deserve it.  The burger was yummy and yummy with a bunch of delish thrown in for good measure.  Then we had pie.  I died.  Sooooo good!  Pineapple coconut cream pie, dead.  Apple crisp a la mode?  Killer.  I wasn’t sure if I would recover, but I came back to life just so that I could die again at a later date.
