Friday, May 7, 2010

Reasons I Smile

Today on my way home from work I was thinking about the little things in life that I love.  I thought that I’d share some of that here.

  • When Dixie stands behind me on the couch purring and kneading my shoulders.

Dixie Loves

  • Driving with the windows down and radio up.


  • Celebrity Jeopardy! because I can play along and do really well.

celeb jeopardy

  • Customers who chat with me while I ring them up rather than talk on their cell phone.


  • Snail mail.  (As long as it’s not a bill!)


  • My favorite song coming on just as I’m getting in my car to drive somewhere.


  • Farmer’s markets and all the great produce I come home with.

farmers market

  • Cooking something for the first time and it tasting amazing.  (French toast last night)


  • Free samples.


  • Getting lost into a good book.

stack of books

  •   Movie previews.  I saw one today for You Again that looks promising.

Here’s hoping you found a little something to smile about today.
