Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reaping the Rewards

I have some exciting news!  This morning I received a response to a request that I made which included a turning in of an application.  Got you interested?  Good.

I applied for and was accepted into Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology!  I will be inducted (as well as my friend Dina) on Friday, May 21st at a dinner and after that will be a lifetime member.



That’s wonderful, but what all does this mean?

  • A record of my membership is maintained at the Psi Chi Central Office and can be used for reference purposes
  • I receive a certificate and membership card
  • I can graduate wearing the Psi Chi honor cord
  • Copies of Eye on Psi Chi, Psi Chi’s magazine
  • Eligibility to present research papers/posters at annual and regional conventions
  • Opportunity to participate in Psi Chi’s undergraduate and graduate research award and grant programs
  • Opportunity to submit my research for publication in the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research
  • My name published on the Psi Chi website as record of my membership

So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go do a happy dance now.  And when I’m done dancing, work on my homework to keep my grades high.
