Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It’s So Close I Can Taste It

Finals are next week, summer break right after that.  I know it’s so close, and I’m more than ready for it, but at the same time I almost want just a smidge more time before my finals.  I have one paper to do and one six-ish page take home final to do and it’s always good to have too many than too few hours to write.  Though I must admit, sometimes the caffeine fueled late night writing juices are pretty good.  But the late night writing juices mean that I don’t get as much dream time in.  And I love my dream time.  Especially since daydreaming in my class has more distractions that good old fashion sleep dreaming.

Here’s the one part of this quarter that I am ready to be long, long over: sitting through Health Psychology “lectures”.  Basically our instructor stands behind the computer reading the slides of the powerpoint word for word in a voice that’d be perfect if she were a preschool teacher.  Three minutes in, I check out.  But don’t worry, I’ve found a few solutions to my boredom: 1) write letters 2) draw 3) ditch.  Option three has been my favored solution, especially since she posts the slide shows on-line so I can review them on my own and still kick butt on the tests.  Seriously, I won’t go for weeks and still manage an A on the tests.

view in classYou can’t tell, but I was totally doodling all over my paper.  Right below where I wrote the date and all of one sentence of notes.  I just was hoping she’d give us a five minute break so I could leave and read.  Not that she’d notice if I had read in class…at least one person was reading and probably five people on my side of the room were texting.  Yeah, it’s that engaging.

So until Thursday here’s hoping for good writing juices so that I can enjoy summer break sooner.
