Saturday, December 18, 2010

Super My Butt…

For those of you who don’t work retail I’ll update you on what today is.  It’s “Super Saturday”, the last Saturday before Christmas, when people that are not quite waiting until the ultimate last minute (I’m talking about men that shop on Christmas Eve) will go crazy shopping.  Both crazy while shopping and shopping like crazy.  It’s super for businesses that want to make lots of money but very not super for people who are trying to get to the mall or find parking.

It usually only takes me 15-20 minutes to get to work but I knew that today was going to be a hard day to find parking.  So I gave myself 40 minutes.  I was 15 minutes late.

It took me 30 minutes to go the 3 blocks closest to the mall.  Then I still had to find parking!  /faceplam

I finally found parking behind the mall in the tiny parking structure on the top level.  Oh, did I mention that it was raining today?  I love the rain, but not when I have to park on the top level then walk slightly far to get into work.  I almost was one of those really rude people that ninja a parking spot from someone else but the car way behind me was waiting for someone else.  So as I was sitting, plotting my next move to find a vacant spot I see a man walking up the ramp with his shopping bags in his hands.  I give him the “Are you leaving? Can I have your spot?” face and he points at the truck that I’m idling next to.  Jackpot!  So I back out of his way (told you the guy behind me was far back) and wait for my spot to become available.

Recently Penn State did a study about how as primal, and thus territorial, beings we tend to take longer to pull out of a parking spot if someone is waiting for it compared to if nobody is waiting.  Well, this guy was quick so I appreciated his not hesitating to relinquish his claim on that temporary territory.  (If you were wondering it’s about a seven second difference.)

After work it was pouring.  That’s right, it upgraded from raining to pouring.  I managed to cut through one of the bigger stores to save from walking in the rain for as long (though wet is wet so it didn’t matter all that much) and made my way towards the parking structure.  I also unintentionally made my way through quite a few puddles…not as much fun when you’re wearing cute slip-on shoes.  When I got to the stairs that I used earlier this afternoon I found a waterfall!

Like this, only on a much larger scale.  I was not going to be using those stairs.  Turns out that the genius who designed this particular parking structure decided that all the stairs should be located on the lower end of any given parking level.  Because it never rains in California, right?  So I had to walk to JC Penney and use their escalator to get to the top level since it had a connection from their store to the upper level of parking.  And then I found yet another giant puddle to step in.  Sigh.  I got home and I was wet up to my calves.  But at least my jacket’s hood is nice and big so my head was dry!

Here’s hoping your rainy days are filled with hot chocolate and fun movies!
