Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Enter Exclamation of Excitement Here

I just got an email from the school which totally surprised me. I wasn't expecting it and really wasn't thinking about it.

"Dear Kimberly,

Congratulations! Because of your hard work last quarter, you have earned a quarterly GPA of 3.456, which qualifies you for the Fall 2008 Dean’s List. Only those students who are enrolled in at least eight units of letter-graded work and earn a GPA of 3.25 or above in an academic quarter are included on the Dean’s List.

Congratulations again, Kimberly, and continue your good work!


Edwin H. Sasaki, Ph.D.

Interim Dean"

I am totally doing a happy dance in my living room with my shower towel wrapped around my hair right now.


Anonymous said...

Grm N.