Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hail Video

Ok, hopefully this works. I haven't uploaded any of my own videos before so this process will be very trial and error. Ideally below you will see a video of the hail mentioned in the previous post.


All Hail Pineapple Upside Down Cakes

So a few weeks ago Jaslynn came to visit on her pre-birthday weekend and we had so much fun. Of course we went out for dinner a few times and it was a slightly rainy weekend so we had lots of comfort foods like grilled cheese sandwiches and cake. I say it was slightly rainy because one day when we were having our grilled cheese deliciousness lunch it started hailing. Now I am not talking about your normal rain with a smattering of hail type of weather occurrence. I am talking about the sky opening up and it pouring down balls of ice rather than rain. Being the mature adults that we are, we immediately ran outside and started trying to catch and eat the hail. Then when we got bored doing it we thought it would be neat to see what the hail landing in the pool looked like. Did I mention it was hailing really, really hard? So we ran the three buildings over to the pool and discovered that it was raining as well because we ran through quite a few very large puddles. Though I did have a very strong urge to play slip'n'slide across the lawn, I managed to stay upright. After playing with hail for about 20 minutes we went back to eating our now cold grilled cheese sandwiches.

That night we decided to celebrate wearing dry pants again and baked pineapple upside down cakes in my pineapple cake pan. They were so cute and so yummy but I think we filled the mini pineapples a little full...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Enter Exclamation of Excitement Here

I just got an email from the school which totally surprised me. I wasn't expecting it and really wasn't thinking about it.

"Dear Kimberly,

Congratulations! Because of your hard work last quarter, you have earned a quarterly GPA of 3.456, which qualifies you for the Fall 2008 Dean’s List. Only those students who are enrolled in at least eight units of letter-graded work and earn a GPA of 3.25 or above in an academic quarter are included on the Dean’s List.

Congratulations again, Kimberly, and continue your good work!


Edwin H. Sasaki, Ph.D.

Interim Dean"

I am totally doing a happy dance in my living room with my shower towel wrapped around my hair right now.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

You're Being Warned...

I just wanted to say do not expect anything new posted until Monday at the earliest. Not that you expect me to post very often but still, I thought I should warn you. Jaslynn is coming up for the weekend so we'll be too busy having fun for me to think about or have time for writing anything.
Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Smell Pretty, Oh So Pretty

Saturday evening I went to watch the women's basketball game at the school like I had been planning. Unfortunately I had lost track of time so I didn't get over in time to see the first half of the game. I could have maybe made it for most of the first half but I had to eat dinner and wasn't in the mood for a meal of popcorn, nachos and such. I got over there shortly after half time and the score was 37-40 UCSB. The largest difference in the score that I saw was only six points and that lead was brief. Neither team seemed to be able to hold onto the lead for more than two possessions which made the game very exciting. After many fouls (including two technicals, both on UCSB), exciting plays, and multiple three pointers hit from well behind the men's three-point line by CSUB, the game was tied with eight seconds left on the clock. As the final buzzer rang, the final shot was made to give the Runners the win.

Sunday morning we had a staff meeting to learn about the all new signature collection. It's the same fragrances (including the newest addition, Vanilla Noir) but the packaging has been changed and the products have been improved. For example, the new shower gel lathers more, moisturizes and has more fragrance than the previous formula. At the end of our meeting the managers told us that we were each getting a free shower gel of our choice so that we could use it and be able to talk to customers about the improvements. We were all very surprised and, obviously, excited about that little announcement. Apparently when the company has given free products to employees in the past they did not offer a choice on the fragrance, they just gave out something like Moonlight Path. I wanted something fun and fresh to counteract the fact that it's still winter so I got Mango Mandarin. I nearly went for my winter favorite, Warm Vanilla Sugar--it makes me feel cozy and feel like cuddling, a favorite winter activity.

When I got home from the meeting I tried out my new shower gel and absolutely loved it. The shower gel I had been using was the previous formula and I noticed the differences. I highly recommend it and that is not just because I work for Bath & Body Works.

Now I am going to go take advantage of my free shower gel.