Friday, October 31, 2008

Do the Mash, It's the Graveyard Smash

Ok, it's two minutes to six and there is no sign of any trick or treaters. I know that it's early but I was kind of expected the little kids to be out by now. Their bedtime is like two to three hours away and there's a lot of buildings in the complex so they should be making the rounds so that they can do the important candy swap back at home before bed. That was probably one of the best parts since Becca didn't like chocolate I nearly doubled my loot. Chocolate was gold, she knew that she could get my Sweettarts and Starbursts for the right amount of Twix and Milky Ways. Mmmm...Dang, now I want candy.

So my plans tonight aren't terribly exciting. The Fox theatre was sold out for the free show of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Funny that it's "sold out" when really they've issued tickets to fill capacity. But I guess "You can't have a ticket because then the fire marshall will come and shut this party down" is too long of an answer. Tonight, I will be handing out Tootsie Pops and M&Ms (if I run out of pops) to trick or treaters if they ever show up. But I did kind of dress up. I looked at my closet and said "Self, what can I do easily and with minimal effort but that looks like I put in a smidge of effort?" And to that I replied "Self, you could be a high school bench warmer for the basketball team or a rock star on her day off." Since I had to run some errands today I went with rock star who does her own grocery shopping. And of course to stay in character I bought a basket full of booze. Kidding! Only a hand basket full, not one of the push baskets, that would have been ridiculous. hehehe Basically my 'costume' consists of my Converse, skinny cut jeans, dark colored t-shirt, skull and crossbones scarf, with messy hair and eye makeup. If I was really dedicated I could wear my sunglasses indoors but that's just silly. If I get bored I may give myself a few Crayola tattoos. Maybe a four letter word written across my knuckles like R-O-C-K or C-A-K-E or V-O-T-E.

Included for you enjoyment, a self portrait of Rock Kimmers. Note the appropriate amount of attitude with the smirk.

Ok, that's it for now. I am going to celebrate Halloween properly by watching Scary Sherry! For those of you who are missing out by not knowing what I'm referring to it's the best episode of Psych, which is the best TV show ever. Watch it, seriously.

Happy Haunting!