Friday, October 31, 2008

Do the Mash, It's the Graveyard Smash

Ok, it's two minutes to six and there is no sign of any trick or treaters. I know that it's early but I was kind of expected the little kids to be out by now. Their bedtime is like two to three hours away and there's a lot of buildings in the complex so they should be making the rounds so that they can do the important candy swap back at home before bed. That was probably one of the best parts since Becca didn't like chocolate I nearly doubled my loot. Chocolate was gold, she knew that she could get my Sweettarts and Starbursts for the right amount of Twix and Milky Ways. Mmmm...Dang, now I want candy.

So my plans tonight aren't terribly exciting. The Fox theatre was sold out for the free show of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Funny that it's "sold out" when really they've issued tickets to fill capacity. But I guess "You can't have a ticket because then the fire marshall will come and shut this party down" is too long of an answer. Tonight, I will be handing out Tootsie Pops and M&Ms (if I run out of pops) to trick or treaters if they ever show up. But I did kind of dress up. I looked at my closet and said "Self, what can I do easily and with minimal effort but that looks like I put in a smidge of effort?" And to that I replied "Self, you could be a high school bench warmer for the basketball team or a rock star on her day off." Since I had to run some errands today I went with rock star who does her own grocery shopping. And of course to stay in character I bought a basket full of booze. Kidding! Only a hand basket full, not one of the push baskets, that would have been ridiculous. hehehe Basically my 'costume' consists of my Converse, skinny cut jeans, dark colored t-shirt, skull and crossbones scarf, with messy hair and eye makeup. If I was really dedicated I could wear my sunglasses indoors but that's just silly. If I get bored I may give myself a few Crayola tattoos. Maybe a four letter word written across my knuckles like R-O-C-K or C-A-K-E or V-O-T-E.

Included for you enjoyment, a self portrait of Rock Kimmers. Note the appropriate amount of attitude with the smirk.

Ok, that's it for now. I am going to celebrate Halloween properly by watching Scary Sherry! For those of you who are missing out by not knowing what I'm referring to it's the best episode of Psych, which is the best TV show ever. Watch it, seriously.

Happy Haunting!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Goblins and Ghosts and Ghouls, Oh My!

It's almost Halloween!! I love Halloween, it's probably my second favorite holiday though I am not sure how I am celebrating this year. I don't have a costume, in fact I can't remember the last time I didn't dress up for this bewitching day. Sigh. I'll dig around in my closet and see if I can't figure out something that isn't too minimal effort looking. I will not be dressing up as a college student, even if I do have a plethora of school sweatshirts. In fact, I still need to buy candy for trick-or-treaters! That is if I'll be at my apartment to hand out candy. I may go out with some people or go to the free showing of Cloverfield, Poltergeist, and Rocky Horror Picture Show downtown. I don't know yet, and probably won't until Friday afternoon!

Here's Dad and I from Halloween one of the last two years.

Are you dressing up this year?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dorm Life? Pass!

Today I ate on campus for the first time. From what I was hearing from one of my classmates I was kind of expecting food similar to what Hawkeye was constantly smelling and describing as 'a sock after it had been in surgery for 12 hours wearing Winchester's cologne' or something along those lines. But the food was edible, though really not great. Because I do not live on campus I had to pay for my meal, we tried to get me in for free with no luck, and I did not get much bang for my buck. There was excitement by the regular diners because of the fact that there was fruit. That's not a good sign. I ended up having steamed green beans, spaghetti, fruit, and a roll. Let me just say, I am glad that I have a kitchen and can cook my own meals.

I also hung out in one of the dorm buildings for a little while this evening. I have a 5-page paper on the Persian Wars due Monday so one of my classmates and I were going over the parts of the novel Persian Fire to figure out where most of our quotes and information will come from. Apparently their neighbors diagonal across the hall don't understand the concept of mandatory quiet hours or courtesy quiet hours for midterm week. "So, I, like, have to be quiet all the time?" No silly, just during peak study times for the students that care to study. Though they're not sure if these girls are capable of being quiet ever. They lock themselves out and pound on the doors, invite their friends over but don't let them into the building so they are pounding on the outer door, blare their music all night... Jealous, right? Yeah, I too wish they were my neighbors...Well, maybe not. I'll keep my porch poopers as neighbors even though they leave a mess and try to come in my front door at night. Darn toads. Other than the minor eye-rolling gripe session about the loud girls, we did far more chatting and laughing than looking at the book. Which as I see it, is a very successful study session. The fact that we even opened our books and exchanged email addresses is huge compared to what normally is accomplished in study groups. Or maybe those are just my study groups...Either way, I approve.

Thanks mom and dad for not making me live in the dorms!

Next time, sometime, details on my visits from dad, mom, and Jaslynn!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't Vote

I found this earlier today and loved it. Please watch.


It's Like a Scene From a Zombie Movie...

I cannot sleep. I lie in bed and just lie there. I don't sleep. It's driving me slightly bonkers. I have been up since eleven am Thursday and it is now nearly five am Friday. I was in bed for a few hours earlier and was lounging on the couch earlier as well but I gave up and decided to update my blog. I don't know if my insomnia is due to my new surroundings, new school, new room, new noises, new whatever or if it's just worse than usual but it is absolutely worse than usual. Before, when I'd have bouts of insomnia it would be for a few days at a time and then I could go back to a normal sleep schedule. I haven't been able to have a normal sleep schedule since I moved here. I try not to stay up too late, I try to unwind before bed by reading for a little bit, I try not to sleep in too much in the mornings but it doesn't seem to help. I'll lie in bed for hours before I am finally able to fall asleep but even then I sleep very light and wake up every half-hour to hour. So even if I manage to fall asleep by three in the morning and sleep until ten, my seven hours feels much more like five hours of sleep.

Though on the bright side, I still don't have a job so I don't have to worry about being a zombie at work... That's right, I've lived in Bakersfield for two days shy of a month and I still don't have a job. This is just an uplifting entry isn't it? I was really hoping to work at Color Me Mine which is basically right around the corner but I haven't gotten any reply from them despite my popping in to follow up. Then I can't seem to get any sort of answer as to who I need to follow up with or even if the location is still hiring at PetCo. I received a nice "thanks, but no thanks" letter from Target, that one nearly broke my heart. My favorite store rejected me. Not to keep sounding like Debbie Downer but even my one call from a potential employer ended up leading to a big fat goose egg so far. I applied at Go Wireless, a local Verizon wireless retailer, and received a call from the regional manager stating that he would like to meet me for an interview and that he's interested in possibly hiring me for one of their locations (about 4 miles away). Of course I say that I would love to and we set up an interview for Saturday morning at eleven. Saturday morning at about 9:30 the regional manager calls and cancels and we still need to set up a new interview time. So this one is basically in a holding pattern.

But I do have some excitement to look forward to: Mom's probably coming up/over this weekend to visit me! I've been all kinds of lonesome and I only have one of my two classes on Monday so I thought it would be a perfect excuse for her to stop by. Not that I need an excuse to think people could stop by but this was just the loverly cherry on top. We probably won't do much but I don't care. I'll have someone to hang out with. I still haven't made any friends at school so the majority of my real conversations are over the phone. Not that I don't love chatting on the phone but I love real chatting so much more. I keep telling Dad that I just need a cat so then I have someone to talk to but I think I have a long way to go to convince him to agree with me. For a couple weeks I did have JuJu McGumbo here with me, though he was only interested in my presence when he though it was dinner time, but sadly he died last weekend. Shortly after I cleaned his home and changed his water he got sick with Ick and was unable to recover. It was really hard watching him get sicker despite my best efforts to help him. For those of you that don't know, or remember, JuJu McGumbo was my beta fish who had so much spunk and personality that I had to use a Psych reference to name him. After he died I couldn't help but think about the episode of The Cosby Show where Rudy's goldfish dies and they have a funeral for him in the bathroom. I could understand how the death of a creature that has a memory of 3 seconds could be upsetting. When you talk to your fish you don't take into account they can't even remember the beginning of your sentence, you just care for them and are entertained by their silly suppertime dance. Let me tell you, JuJu McGumbo had a killer suppertime dance, and he attacked those beta pellets like a shark which prompted me to hum the Jaws theme whenever I fed him. RIP JuJu McGumbo: June 2008-September 2008.

I'm going to try to sleep again. Hopefully I'll get a bit of shut-eye otherwise Mom won't want to hang out with me too much. Sorry if this post was ridiculous but you were warned, I can't sleep so I really should not be held accountable for any ramblings. Sounds like my upstairs neighbor is awake. I'll write later about my apartment life and school schedule when my brain function is slightly higher.