Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Casual 4th of July

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July.  I didn’t have any real plans for two reasons: 1) I had a call-in shift at work and 2) I didn’t make any plans.  The extent of my planning for the 4th included me thinking “well, if I don’t work I can do whatever I want…maybe I’ll have some barbeque…”  Ended up they used my call-in at work but then it was so slow they sent me home an hour early.  Déjà vu from last year when they sent me home early on the 4th because it was, shocker, slow!  Actually, slow isn’t the correct word here, dead is more accurate.  But I didn’t mind either way since I didn’t have any plans to get messed up and I was getting paid overtime since it was a holiday.  Woo-hoo!!

Once they sent me on my way I figured that I might as well have some barbeque or at least something with barbeque sauce.  Gotta stick with my semi-plan from earlier and it’s only appropriate on the 4th to have barbeque.  So I went to Wingstop.  Their boneless chicken wings are so yummy and their fries are always perfectly salted/seasoned.

After dinner I had a mini-marathon of Cheers while waiting for the sun to go down and the fireworks to begin.  I’ve always enjoyed Cheers but I recently discovered that Hallmark channel airs about 6 episodes a night and they’re running through the entire series in order.  So I’ve been Tivo’ing it and watching it when I have lunch or before bed.  Though sometimes I feel guilty when I’m watching late at night because I laugh really hard.  Especially to the intro from this episode:

Seriously hilarious.  I was crying from laughing so hard.  And then once I mostly recovered, I rewound it and watched it again.  And again.  And again.  Then when mom came to visit me I made her watch it.  And then I rewound it and we watched it again and again.  Still funny.

Ok, so I’ll pause on my love of Cheers and get back to the 4th.  Fireworks are legal here (um, hello emergency personnel who’ll never get the 4th off) so I was thinking I’d just walk out to the street to enjoy the show that my neighbors would be putting on with their purchased exploding devices.  It was pretty cool and they’d loaded up the street so there was no shortage of sparklers, screamers, whizzers, sparkers, wing-dingers, and whateverers.  Shortly after I headed out the big fireworks show that the near by country club hosts started.  That’s the show that last year Jaslynn and I watched from a nearby neighborhood.  Turns out, I can see it from my mailbox!

4th at home

Someone even had AC/DC playing and it was a much better soundtrack to fireworks than the normal patriotic fare.  Not that I have anything against being patriotic, but a slow version of “God Bless America” doesn’t have the same punch as “T.N.T.” or “Thunderstruck” when paired with fireworks.

At the end of the night, it was a nice, causal 4th of July.
